Pay your Bay County, Florida property taxes online using this service.


Is there any discount on my property taxes?

Payments made during the following months will earn a discount: November is 4% December is 3% January is 2% February is 1% Payments made in the month of March will not receive a discount. Any payments made on or after April 1st are delinquent, and will be subject to an applied penalty.

Is installment payment allowed?

INSTALLMENT PAYMENT SCHEDULE AND DISCOUNTS ALLOWED 1st installment. Due by June 30th. One quarter of the total estimated tax, discounted 6%. 2nd installment. Due by September 30th. One quarter of the total estimated tax, discounted 4.5%. 3rd installment. Due by December 30th. One quarter of the total estimated tax plus one half of any adjustment made for actual tax liability, discounted 3%. 4th installment. Due by March 31st. One quarter of the total estimated tax plus the remaining one half of any adjustment made for actual tax liability. No discount is provided on the 4th installment. The first two installments will be estimated based on the prior year’s tax liability. Annual renewal is automatic as long as the June payment is made each year.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!

Pay your Bay County, Florida property taxes online using this service.


Is there any discount on my property taxes?

Payments made during the following months will earn a discount: November is 4% December is 3% January is 2% February is 1% Payments made in the month of March will not receive a discount. Any payments made on or after April 1st are delinquent, and will be subject to an applied penalty.

Is installment payment allowed?

INSTALLMENT PAYMENT SCHEDULE AND DISCOUNTS ALLOWED 1st installment. Due by June 30th. One quarter of the total estimated tax, discounted 6%. 2nd installment. Due by September 30th. One quarter of the total estimated tax, discounted 4.5%. 3rd installment. Due by December 30th. One quarter of the total estimated tax plus one half of any adjustment made for actual tax liability, discounted 3%. 4th installment. Due by March 31st. One quarter of the total estimated tax plus the remaining one half of any adjustment made for actual tax liability. No discount is provided on the 4th installment. The first two installments will be estimated based on the prior year’s tax liability. Annual renewal is automatic as long as the June payment is made each year.

Community Q&A

You can ask any questions related to this service here. We will try to answer them soon!

Service Reminders

We will notify you at the right time so that you never miss a due date again!


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